What do you do with the utensils you don't use? Introducing new uses for tableware

What do you do when your cupboard is full or you have more unused dishes?

It would be a waste to keep it in the back of the cupboard or dispose of it as garbage.

In this article, we will introduce ways to use containers other than disposing of them.
It's missing! It broke! I'll also show you how to use the utensils.

Tips for continuing to use containers

First, we will introduce how to make use of broken pottery or pottery that has been used less frequently.


We recommend ``Kintsugi'' for pottery that is broken but you want to keep nearby.

Kintsugi is a ceramic restoration technique that has been passed down since the Muromachi period.

Glue any damaged areas such as warps, chips, or cracks with lacquer, and finish by decorating the bonded areas with metal powder such as gold or silver.

Not only can you restore your favorite pottery to the point where it can be reused, but by decorating it with gold powder, you will become even more attached to it!

The method I experienced is simple kintsugi (sometimes called ``modern-style kintsugi'').
Since it does not use genuine lacquer, it will not cause a rash.

The best part is that it dries quickly, so it can be completed in half a day and can be used immediately.

Also, it's fun to turn the pottery into a different design by adding a gold brush to it.

This is a piece of antique French pottery that arrived broken into pieces and was made with kintsugi. It's clean even when it's taken out, so use it in your accessory case.

Kintsugi seems to be a popular lesson these days.

In the classroom I experienced, the tools and materials are prepared, and all you have to do is bring your own apron.
The ease of participating without bringing anything is also attractive.

Also, recently, Kintsugi kits are being sold at Tokyu Hands and other stores.

Once you learn how to do it, you can do it at home by yourself.
If your favorite pottery breaks, we recommend ``kintsugi''.

Click here if you want to know more about the Kintsugi method

If you don't have the confidence to do it yourself, or you want a professional to do it for you because it's an expensive pottery, you can also ask a professional to do it for you.

It is safe to bring in your own pottery or send a picture of it in advance to request a quote.

Use it as a vase or accessory case

Do you have a favorite pottery that you don't use much at the dining table but don't want to part with?

In such cases, we recommend using it as a vase.
Utensils are deep and resistant to water, so they can often be used as flower vases.

Also, small plates can be used as coasters, soap dishes, and accessory trays.

If the plate is thick, it can also be used as a saucer for flower pots.


Idea Point
Kintsugi ・You can repair your favorite pottery until it can be reused
・Gold decoration transforms the container into a new design
Use as a vase or accessory case ・You can keep your favorite pottery nearby in another way

How to “let go” of containers

Up to this point, we have introduced ways to utilize pottery, but due to storage space issues, you may have to consider disposing of the pottery.

Before disposing of containers as garbage, you should consider how to "let go" of them.


Utensils can be donated to recycling organizations and overseas support organizations.

You can also send it to disaster relief organizations and have them use it as relief supplies.

As a general rule, shipping costs for items are your responsibility.
There is no profit like at a flea market or auction, but it would be nice if it could go into the hands of people who need it.

As a general rule, donated items are new.
Please send items in good condition.

Send containers for recycling

Source: Green Life 21 official website

This is a way to help recycle containers.

The Green Life 21 Project, an initiative by Mino ware manufacturers and research institutes, is crushing used pottery and making new pottery.

It's nice to be able to help the environment by just bringing the pots to a designated location.
However, the collection locations are limited, so check in advance to see if they are available.

Products made from used containers are sold under the brand name "Re-tableware" and are widely used for school lunch containers.

Green Life 21 http://www.gl21.org/ p>

Sell on flea market app

This is how to list items on the flea market app.
You can earn profits by selling pottery on the app.

The listing method is simple.

All you have to do is take a photo of the container, write a description and price, and choose a shipping method.
Once you get used to it, you can complete listing each item in 5 to 10 minutes.

Once sold, it will be packed and shipped.
Recently, there are ways to ship items without writing an address, making it possible to list items without much hassle.

Submit to auction

This is a method of listing on auctions such as Yahoo! Auctions.

Auctions are also a place to find antiques, rare one-of-a-kind items, and other items that cannot be found on the general market, so they are characterized by the large number of items put up by professional sellers.

I used an auction to get rid of some antique tiles.

The difference between flea market apps and auctions is deciding the period and bid price.

At an auction, you don't know how much the item will sell for until the transaction is over, but checking the bidding status is part of the fun.

Open a stall at the bazaar/flea market

This is a way to put it out at flea markets, school bazaars, etc.

Most of the time you will be doing things by yourself, such as transporting items to the venue and putting price tags on them, but it is recommended for people who want to enjoy communicating with customers, such as negotiating prices.

Make a purchase request to a recycling company

The method is to take the item to a second-hand item purchaser such as a recycle shop, or have it delivered and have the purchase amount transferred to them.

The method is very simple.

When you apply, you will receive packing goods such as cardboard boxes, so all you have to do is fill them with your items and send them.

At that time, a copy of your identification document such as a driver's license is required.
Ask for a quote in advance and choose a contractor you are satisfied with.


Idea Point
Donate ・Users can be given to people in need through recycling organizations and overseas support organizations
Recycle ・Be eco-friendly by cooperating with reuse

Sell on flea market app ・There are many users and various tastes of pottery are sold
・You can earn profits
Submit for auction ・Many users are looking for something that is not available in the general market
・Collector items may sell for high prices
Open a stall at the bazaar/flea market ・You can communicate with customers who like pottery, such as negotiating prices
・You can earn profits
Request purchase from recycling company ・You can earn profits

Use your favorite pots in a way that suits you

It is best to use the utensils you like for everyday meals.

However, there may be times when you have to part with items due to lifestyle changes or storage space issues.

In such a case, why not consider using this article as a reference in a way that suits you.

If you are happy to do something small even if it takes a lot of time, try flea market apps and auctions. Donate if you are interested in supporting developing countries.
If you want to enjoy communicating with customers, go to bazaars and flea markets.

In any case, I want to cherish the pottery that the artist made with great care.