How to Use Chopsticks: The Correct Way to Hold and Etiquette Tips

In this article, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the correct way to hold chopsticks and the manners of using them.

As a Japanese person, I want you to know this well, so please take this opportunity to master it.

I want to see what products are available first! If so, please take a look here.

Chopsticks list page

How to hold chopsticks

Are you holding your chopsticks correctly?
By holding it correctly, you can easily grab any food and enjoy your meal comfortably.

It also looks beautiful and smart!
Would you like to take this opportunity to check how you hold it?

The place to hold your chopsticks is about two-thirds from the tip.
Hold the top chopstick between your thumb, index finger, and middle finger, like you would hold a pencil.
Make sure your chopsticks touch the base of your middle finger nail.

Also, hold the bottom chopstick by two-thirds from the tip.
Place the chopsticks on the base of your thumb and secure it between your middle and ring fingers.

How to move chopsticks

Only move the top chopsticks, but do not move the bottom chopsticks.
For the upper chopsticks, use your middle finger, index finger, and thumb, without moving your ring finger.
By mastering the correct way to hold it, you will be able to eat smoothly and with beautiful movements.

Wrong way to hold chopsticks

There are various ways to hold chopsticks incorrectly, as shown below.
You may be unconsciously holding it incorrectly, so let's check.

Cross chopsticks

The way you hold your chopsticks by crossing them in the middle.
Because it crosses in the center, it is difficult to grasp small objects.

Nigiri chopsticks

The way you hold chopsticks using five fingers, like rock-paper-scissors.

Unable to close or open the tips of the chopsticks,
you end up stabbing food or scraping food into it.
It's hard to eat, and above all, it's not a clean way to eat.

Pen chopsticks

To hold chopsticks without using your ring finger, like holding a pen.
Since I can't open the tips of my chopsticks wide, I have trouble grasping large objects.

Parallel chopsticks

This is the way you hold your chopsticks parallel to each other.
Because the tips of the chopsticks cannot be closed, it is difficult to grasp small objects.

Chopstick etiquette

Correct use of chopsticks

There is a saying that describes the correct way to use chopsticks: ``The tip of the chopsticks is five minutes long, and the length is one inch.''
In other words, it is good manners to use chopsticks within a range of 1.5 to 3 cm (one inch is about 3 cm) from the tips of the chopsticks, and to avoid making them dirty as much as possible.

However, depending on the food, it may be difficult to eat without getting your chopsticks dirty.
If you are concerned about your chopsticks getting dirty, fold the chopstick bag and place it under the chopstick rest.
We recommend putting the tips of your chopsticks in a bag after eating.

How to use chopstick rest

If you are right-handed, place the chopstick rest with the tips facing left, and if you are left-handed, place the chopsticks with the tips facing right.
The way to place the chopsticks is to support them from below with your left hand, slightly below the middle, and with your right hand, hold the top of the chopsticks and hold the center of the chopsticks. You can just place it on the chopstick rest with just your right hand.

■What to do if there is no chopstick rest

Especially when eating with your superiors, avoid talking while holding your chopsticks in your hand instead of placing them on the chopstick rest.
It is good etiquette to put down your chopsticks first, as this will give the impression of bad manners.

If you don't have a chopstick rest, the following methods are available.

Using the chopstick bag as a chopstick rest
Fold the chopstick bag several times to a size that is easy to use as a chopstick rest.

Fold origami into thin pieces and use just the ends to make an improvised chopstick rest.

Use the edge of the tray
With the tips of the chopsticks facing left, place the tips of the chopsticks on the left edge of the tray with the food placed on it, using it as a chopstick rest.

Use paper napkins
Use paper napkins from restaurants and fold chopstick rests size.

Chopstick etiquette for different foods

・Grilled fish: Do not turn the meat over. After eating the upper part, remove the bone and eat the lower part

・Soup: Place your chopsticks into the bowl, press down on the ingredients, and drink

・Sushi: Lay the sushi on its side and sandwich it with your chopsticks. Add soy sauce to the toppings

・Kushimono(skewer-grilled): Hold a skewer in your left hand and chopsticks in your right hand. Hold the filling with chopsticks and pull the skewer towards you to remove it.

Don't do chopstick etiquette

When using chopsticks, there is an act called "hating chopsticks" that is considered bad manners.
Please check the following actions and enjoy your meal while respecting etiquette.

Sashibashi: Putting chopsticks into food

Watari-bashi:Handing chopsticks over the bowl while eating. Signal for the end of the meal.

There are many other patterns of disliked chopsticks.
Make sure you are not doing it unconsciously.

Yosebashi: Pulling or pushing utsuwa with chopsticks

Neburi chopsticks: licking food on chopsticks

Chopstick passing: Putting food directly from one's chopsticks onto another's chopsticks

Double chopsticks: Two people putting chopsticks into the same dish at the same time

Missing chopsticks: wondering which dish to eat while holding chopsticks

Holding chopsticks: Holding chopsticks and utensils at the same time with the same hand

Kakibashi: Putting your mouth on the edge of a bowl to scrape food into it

Ukebashi: Reserving a second helping of rice while holding chopsticks

Empty chopsticks: Dipping chopsticks into food and then returning them without eating

Chopsticks in your mouth: holding a bowl in your hand while holding chopsticks in your mouth

Kojibashi: Stirring around and searching for food on a plate

Komibashi: Pushing food into your mouth with chopsticks

Saguribashi: Stirring soup etc. in a container to find out its contents

Tatakibashi Hitting tableware with chopsticks to make a sound

Namidabashi: Dropping soup from the tip of the chopsticks

Sashibashi: Pointing at people or things with chopsticks while eating

Furibashi: Shaking off food stuck to the tips of chopsticks

Tate-bashi: Sticking chopsticks on top of rice. It's what you do when someone dies.

Recommended chopsticks that are easy to hold

Susu bamboo chopsticks without knots

Bamboo chopsticks are lightweight and easy to hold!
The shape of the handle is not square, but slightly rectangular, so it fits comfortably in your hand.

Since it is simple, it goes well with other utensils and is perfect for everyday dining.
You can use matching items for your family, or you can buy them in bulk for guests.

Laminated chopsticks Ryusei ink flavor dishwasher safe chopsticks

Stylish chopsticks with a clean shape.
Because the tip is sharpened, you can smoothly grasp small ingredients such as beans.

Furthermore, since the wood is coated with urethane, it is dishwasher safe.
Chopsticks that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical will make you want to use them for a long time for your daily meals.

Ten-shaved pentagonal chopsticks peach KORINDO

Two-tone chopsticks with a bright vermilion color that catches the eye.
Lacquer chopsticks that fit comfortably in your hand can be used for a wide range of purposes, from everyday use to special occasions.

The handle is pentagonal, so it fits comfortably in your hand without slipping.
The three fingers that hold the chopsticks fit easily, so you can enjoy your meal comfortably.

If you give it as a gift along with products in different colors, it will probably be appreciated.

Chopsticks from fruit tree tangerine tetoca

These chopsticks are made from fruit-bearing trees and made with 100% pure beeswax.
This time we will introduce chopsticks made of tangerine wood.

Mandarin oranges are hard and durable! It is one of the best materials for chopsticks.
The handle is octagonal and the tip of the chopsticks is square, making it easy to hold and grasp.

Chopsticks are simple, but are made with a focus on ease of use, so you'll want to use them forever.

Rethink how you use chopsticks and enjoy your meals with beautiful gestures!

This time, we have explained in detail all the etiquette of chopsticks, from the correct way to hold them to the taboo usage.

Using chopsticks correctly and in accordance with etiquette not only makes eating easier, but also shows consideration for the people you are eating with.
Why not take this article as an opportunity to reconsider how you use chopsticks?
Let's learn adult manners that will last a lifetime!

You can view the chopsticks introduced this time from this page.

Chopsticks list page

If you want to know more about chopsticks, please read this article.

10 recommended choices! We will also introduce how to choose shapes, materials, etc.

We will explain everything from the history to how to choose and care tips

Choosing chopsticks that are perfect for Mother's Day and Respect for the Aged Day

Thank you for reading until the end.
I hope you all have a wonderful time with your favorite utensils.

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